Saturday, October 6, 2012

Blind Contour

Blind Contour, was another class topic of the day. Each student needed to partnered up with one other person. We needed to be sitting face to face and draw each other... without looking at the paper.
I am a visual artist, so blind contouring was a challenge.
I did have fun drawing blind and seeing how my drawing looked afterwards.
To be honest, it was pretty "disturbing" haha. The eyes would be located on her forehead or her nose would overlap her lips.  It was VERY difficult, but it was a fun process.

Examples of Blind Contour.

This is a drawing of a blind contour I have done in my art class.
I did not outline the whole thing in pen because I wanted to experiment on how the thin lines of a pencil and the thicker lines of the sharpie would look like as a whole.  I liked the contrast that both lines bring; although, I would have outlined   some areas differently, now that I have seen what I have drawn.  I would not outline the table in the background, but I would outline the rest of the hair. 

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