Saturday, October 6, 2012

8 Hour Projects

The 8 hour project took place in the gallery and the pictures below show few of my favorite pieces.
When I looked at this piece, it felt nostalgic to me.  I remembered my childhood by looking at the pick colors of the glasses and band-aid.  Cara Erskine captures the childhood memories that most people experience or own in their lives.  

This piece reminds me of Tim Burton. Renee Ikes and Tim Burton uses dark colors  to convey their ideas.  Each character are drawn differently and each have a particular dark and sinister look.  This piece looks gloomy and a lot of Tim Burton's ideas convey those feelings to the spectators. 

I was disturbed by this piece because I could see the eyes,  ears, and arms of the stuffed animals that were ripped a part  to create this piece.  I did not witness the process, but I could tell that the process that Anna Kell took was related to the cruelty of poaching endangered animals and the process of skinning the animals.  It brought up feelings like anger, sorrow, and pity.  It takes one to wonder about the real-life situation going on with these animals and what is being done to stop it.  

I really liked how Catherine Mann could make a simple formation  and create many different images pop up.  For example, from afar you could see a mountain, polar bear, and a water fall.  

I could relate to the piece because Valerie Gilman and I share the same interest, which is using clay as a medium to create an art work.  I wish Valerie Gilman could have taken the extra step into completing the features of this man, but it could be meant to look unfinished.  This is still my favorite piece because I love sculptures made from clay and I love the realistic human features on this work.  

8 Hour Projects done by students at Allegheny College.
The pictures posted above are the ones that caught my interest. I love the colors, texture, and position of the pieces. I did not personally see how all of these were made, but I did enjoy the outcome. I love this picture (above), I love sculpting with clay and when I saw this piece it just called to me. It looks like a strong piece to me even though the artist may have not finished.  

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